Research Fellow

By education, Dr. Sin Yong Teng is a chemical engineer. He studied in the University of Nottingham with exchange to University of Birmingham as a multi-year Dean's List's recipient (by grade), ultimately receiving a First-Class Honours Degree in Chemical Engineering. Later, he carried out his PhD research in the renowned NETME Center and Brno University of Technology which was focused on using data-driven approaches for energy and processes. His PhD defense was award with the highest distinction (Summa Cum Laude). As a postdoc, Sin Yong joined the chemometrics group to extend his expertise in data-driven modelling from the chemical perspective. In 2022, he was awarded the Marie Curie Postdoctoral Fellowship from the European Union. He now works on the bridge of chemistry, chemometrics and chemical engineering, focusing on the energy transition and sustainable processes.


Macro-level Energy (WP1)